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    Who Are 'Avengers: Endgame's' 'Secret Avengers'?

    There are a couple of conflicts that divide fans of Avengers: Infinity War, notably A.) Would it have mattered if Thor had managed to hit Thanos in the head? And B.) Did Star-Lord blow it for the entire universe by losing his cool and attacking Thanos? It's easy to see their point, although one has to counter that Thanos' possession of the Infinity Stones probably made both of those actions moot. He was probably too powerful for either of those tactics to work, and as Dr. Strange pointed out, he saw 14 million futures, and there's only one where they win. And if you're paying close attention, it seems the plan is already in motion … although not all the heroes may be aware of it, yet. So to resurrect an old Avengers comics chestnut … who are the Secret Avengers!?!? Here are some wild speculations:

    1.) Dr. Strange

    2.) Heimdall

    3.) Loki

    4.) Nick Fury

    5.) Tony Stark

    6.) The Hulk

    7) Captain Marvel

    8) Nebula

    9.) Gamora

    10.) Ant-Man

    11.) Captain America, Thor, War Machine, Rocket and Hawkeye/Ronin