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11 Ways To Trick Your Kids Into Doing Things That Are Good For Them

A trick a day...keeps a toddler from yelling the word "no" 24/7. Another way to keep your kiddos healthy? With Ocean Spray® PACt® Fruit Infusions Juice Drink — they taste so good, you don’t even need to trick the kids into drinking them!

1. Rebrand foods you think they'll hate.

2. Make bath time more fun (or simply happen) by getting bath paints.

3. Make exercise fun by turning it into a challenge!

4. Help them do chores by playing their favorite jams...

5. ...and reward them for finishing their chores by making them the ruling monarchs of the house (but not really).

6. Numb their tongue with a delicious ice pop before making them take medicine...

7. Get them to brush their teeth by bringing their fave stuffed animal along for the adventure!

Make it a party of three: you, the demonstrator; the stuffed animal, aka the loyal instruction follower whose "teeth" you'll brush; and your kid, who may be more excited to partake in the fun after you guys show how it's done! Here are five tips you can check out to get your little one excited about teeth-brushing!

8. Get them to get dressed quicker by working your way around the word "no".

9. When potty-training, there's the super-awesome ~REWARD CHART~.

10. Get them to eat fruits and veggies by beautifying their lunchboxes!

11. Help get them reading by agreeing to buy books instead of toys.

With these tricks you'll go from regular ol' magician. Tell us how you "trick" your kids below!

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Bring more wonder to your little one’s routine with a delicious Ocean Spray® PACt® Fruit Infusions Juice Drink.