This Rapper Wrote A Song About His Ex And It'll Make You Want To Call Yours

    "And even though I had to move, I ain't move on."

    If you've ever had to deal with a heartbreak, Lil Dicky definitely understands. He recently released a video for his song "Molly," where he faced going to the love of his life's wedding. The kicker: She was marrying another man.

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    "Yeah, man, this is the softest thing I ever did. But it's about something pretty important to me, and that's you."

    The reason for their breakup: Apparently, Lil Dicky was just too invested in his music and it was a burden to their relationship. They broke up, she moved on...he didn’t.

    Side note: Molly is a real person and is actually Lil Dicky's ex-girlfriend in REAL life, which makes this video even more heartbreaking and honest.

    Dicky goes through it all, like reuniting with the family...

    ...watching the love of his life dance with her new husband...

    ...and third-wheeling because his boys are too busy doing their own thing.

    The entire video is an emotional roller coaster for anyone who's ever had a broken heart.

    "’Cause even when I can't say 'love you,' I love you."

    Someone pass me the tissues, please.