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    Top 6 "Best Evarrr" Lifehacks That Everyone Should Know

    We all love the internet (I know I do for all the articles), but did you know that there is a wealth of knowledge that can be gained in this so-called information age? You didn’t? Wait, you did? I’m not sure what the answer to that rhetorical question is but I can offer you this… Lifehacks! They’re easy little things that you can apply to your daily routine to bring a temporary end to the soul-crushing monotony and more importantly make things easier for yourself. Check it out!

    6. You ever have one of those days? You know what I’m talking about. You have a bottle with all this stuff in it but you’ll never be able to get it out. Not for the life of you...

    5. Night time is dark as we all know but did you know that inside is also dark? Well, it can be... sometimes.

    4. Silence can be deafening. I have too many thoughts and yet I can’t think... Are you like me? If so Nick will play something. Hurry up!!! Anything. Just play. It’s all too much. The walls. It’s a box. It’s all coming down just as the prophecy said.

    3. Interpreting the prophecy, ugh, I know. Don’t get me started. Who’s to know what the elders were thinking when they jotted down this mishmash of vague superstitious rules wrapped in metaphor?!

    2. Nick will dress up like a pirate for you. Easy...

    1.Burn down the shed. That’s where the beast lives. You have been warned.

    This article was guest-written by Lucas (feat.) Goldman