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    The Phases Of Falling In Love With Spin

    Getting fit is a process - that’s something we can all agree on. But the specifics? Those aren’t all that agreeable. There’s an exercise routine for everyone and a fitness regimen for anyone. But how do you find the perfect fit for you? You have to try loads of different classes, sign up for different instructors, and sweat your way through. However, should you find yourself in the dimly lit room of an indoor spin class... you'll identify with these phases of falling in love with this type of boutique fitness!

    Phase 1: You’re excited about the new classes you signed up for.

    Phase 2: You reconsider attending said class after work.

    Phase 3: You text your fit friend you won't be able to make the class. Maybe you can reschedule.

    Phase 4: Once the class starts, you quickly feel the burn.

    Phase 5: You're not sure you'll survive the class.

    Phase 6: You're positive you won't survive.

    Phase 7: You feel the endorphins kicking in... after the class is over.

    Phase 8: You consider a monthly membership

    Phase 8: But you like the class enough you're sure you want to come back.