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    My Letter To Hillary Clinton

    An open letter to Hillary

    Dear Hillary Clinton,

    I'm sorry that the American people failed you, I failed you.

    I live in one of those rural NY towns where my community had Trump signs everywhere but I scoffed because 4 years ago it was Romney signs and he didn't win. I live in the rural town where they voted 2-1 in favor of Trump and I told myself not to bother getting involved in politics because I wasn't going to do any good around here. I watched your brilliant campaign ads that resonated with me as a very able disabled person, showing Mr. Trump openly mocking a disabled journalist and I thought there was no way anyone could vote for this guy. I watched as people in Mr. Trump's neighborhood voted overwhelmingly against him. I watched as people in Washington D.C. voted overwhelmingly against him. His neighbors and the people who know government the best obviously knew what would come if he was elected. Most of us knew too, but we turned out to vote proudly thinking that was good enough, but it wasn't.

    I've learned a hard lesson from watching my son get taunted in school in the days after the election for his beliefs, to watching racists who used to spout hate in their own home take this election as free license to take their hate to the streets.

    I will get involved. I will not stay politely quiet anymore. I will contact my Democratic committee and offer my help. And it's all because I helped let you down.