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The Definitive Guide To Creating A Perfect Password

If your password is "password," this is for you. Norton Security is here to help you be as secure as possible.

Ughhhh passwords. Can't live with them, can't live without them, right?

Wrong. Turns out you CAN live with them. We'll make it easy for you.

1. First of all, if your password actually is "password..."

2. In fact, if your password is just any word in the dictionary, that's still not OK.

3. If your password is a phrase, then that's certainly a ~beet~ better.

4. The longer and more complex your password is, the stronger it is.

5. And by substituting in symbols and randomly capitalized letters, your password becomes even more uncrackable.

6. Security experts recommend that you think of a memorable phrase and then shorten it into a sequence of letters and symbols to form a password.

7. Another popular method suggests that you think of a random person (either famous or someone you know), an action, an object, and an interesting setting.

8. Now here are some dos and don'ts for you: Don't reuse passwords. For any site or account.

9. Do use muscle memory.

10. Don't trust the security question.

11. Do enable two-step authentication whenever it is offered.

12. Do change your password.

If the thought of remembering all your passwords is making your brain hurt, use a password manager. And kick up your online security by actively protecting yourself with Norton, because no one wants to meet a hacker.