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12 Kinds Of Everyday Magic That Only Happen During Christmas

If you look hard enough, magic is everywhere! Bring some more into your home this December with the Northpole Communicator, brought to you by Hallmark.

1. No one has a problem waking up early and getting downstairs on time.

2. People admire the snow instead of considering it a headache.

3. Siblings get along...

4. ...unless they're politely arguing over who gets to do the chores.

5. You actually get to sing Christmas music without anyone batting an eye.

6. Sugar suddenly stops feeling like an enemy.

7. You don’t feel guilty about shopping.

8. Long family drives don't seem that long.

9. You realize just how beautiful your town is.

10. You get to see the look of pure joy on childrens' faces.

11. You spend more time with your neighbors.

12. And the most magical thing of all, more good deeds seem to happen.

Talk to Santa and the elves. They talk back! Chat year after year with the Northpole Communicator. Get yours today!