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14 Photos That Prove How Beautiful The Northern Territory Really Is

Ever feel like you're just stuck in a certain state...of mind? Get out of it and check out the Northern Territory.

1. Lake Amadeus

2. The Kangaroo Sanctuary, Alice Springs

3. Nitmiluk Gorge, Katherine

4. Rainbow Beach, Tiwi Islands

5. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

6. Baruwei Lookout, Nitmiluk

7. Darwin Sailing Club, Darwin Harbour

8. Nightcliff Jetty, Darwin

9. Bitter Springs, Mataranka

10. Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

11. Rainbow Valley

12. Jim Jim Falls, Kakadu

13. Uluru

14. Rainbow Beach, Melville Island

Ahhh, Northern majestic. Check out this video from Melbourne comedian Harley Breen to see just how stuck you might be in your own state.

View this video on YouTube

Facts from Northern Territory