28 Horrifying Gaming Moments That Ruined Your Childhood



    2. The horrible blisters you'd get from using the D-pad.

    3. When somebody tripped over the controller cable on your console while you were playing.

    4. When somebody "accidentally" deleted your saved game on Mario 64.

    5. Whenever your mom turned off and disconnected your gaming console while you were in the middle of a really hard level.

    6. How you felt when you watched your friend suck at a video game, and all you wanted to do was take away the controller.

    7. When you played Smash Bros. with that one player who kept doing the same lame-ass Pikachu move over and over again.

    8. Whenever you risked setting your house on fire because you overloaded your power strip.

    9. When you mastered DDR on the dance pads at home...

    10. ... but would fail horribly within the first five seconds at the arcade.

    11. The unbelievably frustrating experience of watching horrible contestants on Nick Arcade.

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    12. When your friends wouldn't allow you to pretend play as a male video game character because you were a girl.

    13. Having to go to school while you were deeply immersed in Final Fantasy VII.

    14. When you were at school and realized that you forgot to tell your mom to keep the Nintendo on because you were in the middle of a VERY IMPORTANT LEVEL.

    15. Going over to a friend's house to play their brand new console... only to find out they have just one controller.

    16. When an extremely difficult game managed to break your soul.

    17. SUPERMAN 64.

    18. When you bragged to your friends how awesome you are at Pilotwings... only to find out that no one has ever heard of Pilotwings.

    19. THIS:

    Kids today will never know the struggle

    20. When your parents would only allow you to pick one and ONLY ONE.

    Six-Year-Old Me: "Can I have both?"



    21. Whenever your friendships would fall apart because of Goldeneye.

    22. When luck was not on your side and you felt the whole world was out to get you.

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    You especially felt this when playing Mario Kart.

    23. Whenever a new console debuted around Christmastime, but it was just TOO. GODDAMN. EXPENSIVE.

    24. When you finally captured a Shiny Legendary Pokémon on your Game Boy, only to have your battery die before you could save.

    25. When you rented a game at Blockbuster...

    ... only to find it like this.

    26. When one of your controllers stopped working mid-game.

    27. Buying ANY of the NES accessories and realizing you had just been ripped off.

    Parents: "So... we just spent all that money... and it doesn't work."



    28. And finally, when even blowing into the cartridge couldn't save your game from its untimely death: