23 Iconic Lines From "La Bamba" That Will Make You Tear Up


    1. When Connie sees her son Bob for the first time since being released from jail:

    2. When Ritchie tells Bob where he's going in life:

    3. When Ritchie meets Donna and tries to go by "High Tone" before realizing it's kinda lame:

    4. When Rudy Castro, the leader of the Silhouettes, gives Ritchie a hard time about his amp:

    5. When a really smoked-up Bob says this to Rosie:

    6. When Bob responds to Rosie's pregnancy news in the most dickish way possible:

    7. When Rudy Castro displays his horrendous vocal chops:

    8. When Connie gets PISSED that the Silhouettes didn't let Ritchie sing in his debut:

    9. When Bob Keene tries talking to Connie in Spanish:

    10. When Bob Keene introduces himself to Ritchie, and Connie gets straight to the point:

    11. When Ritchie is talking about his childhood friend, who was crushed by a falling airplane, and makes this comment:

    12. When Bob Keene tells Ritchie about his new last name:

    13. When Bob gives Ritchie a hard time about his new stage name:

    14. When Ritchie wakes up hungover in Mexico and the curandero tries talking to him:

    15. When the curandero dishes out these words of wisdom:

    16. And this mind-blowing truth nugget:

    17. And Ritchie gets in touch with his true identity:

    18. When Ritchie makes his case for singing "La Bamba":

    19. When Bob pleads with Connie about her lack of love towards him:

    20. When Ritchie calls Bob to join him in the tour, even though they just had a huge fight:

    21. When Buddy Holly tells this to Ritchie on their last plane ride together:

    22. When Connie find out about Ritchie's death over the radio:

    23. And finally, when Bob cries out...