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    This Woman Wants To Educate You About Ableism

    "It’s way easier to oppress a demographic when they are forgotten and/or isolated — and both are applicable to the disability community.”

    This is artist and intersectional activist Michele Kaplan.

    Kaplan hosts the YouTube series, Rebelwheels NYC, which addresses "all things disability."

    View this video on YouTube

    And recently, Kaplan launched a new project: What Is Ableism?

    So what is ableism?

    Kaplan says the project was inspired by her observations at protests and on social media post-election, which felt devoid of recognition for the concerns of people with disabilities under a Trump administration.

    When Kaplan started doing outreach online in attempt to raise awareness, she was reminded that most people don't even know the word "ableism," even though one instance of it gained widespread publicity leading up to the election.

    Which is where the website came in.

    What Is Ableism? has sections on tips for outreach and unlearning ableism, what a Trump presidency means for the disability community, a message to other people with disabilities, and helpful links for further reading — as well as downloadable graphics to share online, or print to post or carry at demonstrations.

    Kaplan told BuzzFeed she'd like people to take two things away from the project: a better understanding of ableism and its role in intersectional activism, and an openness to help educate others.

    You can see the full What Is Ableism? project here.