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This Movie Will Change How You Think About The Word "Fat"

Lindsey Averill and Viri Lieberman say Fattitude is for everyone.

Meet Lindsey Averill and Viri Lieberman.

Currently, they're in post-production for their film Fattitude, which includes interviews with body image activists, media figures, health professionals, and more.

Fat prejudice and body acceptance aren't issues affecting only people over a certain size — they are also relevant, as Averill and Lieberman say, to "anyone who hates his or her body or anyone who may someday become fat."

"The thing about fat-shaming and fat-hatred is that it's everywhere," Averill tells BuzzFeed Life.

"It becomes problematic when we wrap the term 'fat' with negative connotations," Lieberman says. "Fat is in the flesh of our bodies."

"In addition to fat people's suffering, people living in thin bodies are riddled and stymied by their fear of fatness," says Averill.

"The fear of fat has become our greatest distraction and waste of energy," Lieberman explains to BuzzFeed Life. "Can you imagine if you shifted the time you spent thinking negatively about your body to doing something positive for you and others?"

Averill and Lieberman hope to finish post-production in time to submit to 2016 film festivals, but that's dependent on funds raised through their Independent Filmmaker Project fiscal sponsorship page. Donations are tax deductible, and there are giveaways.

Sound good to you? You can watch the full Fattitude trailer below, and keep up with bonus clips and other news via the film's Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages.
