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    Here's What It's Like To Be A Plus-Size Athlete

    Strength comes in all different packages.

    For many people, the idea of “athlete” evokes images of slender runners, flexing bodybuilders, and six-pack abs — but the truth is, athletes come in all shapes and sizes. Below, seven plus-size women tell BuzzFeed about the sports that have changed their lives:

    Roz "The Diva" Mays, Personal Trainer and Pole Dancer

    Mirna Valerio aka The Mirnavator, Blogger and Ultramarathoner

    Kristina Rodriguez, Cyclist-Yogi-Baby Powerlifter

    Olivia Frempong, Ghanaian Runner

    Rachel Denis, Powerlifter

    Latoya Shauntay Snell, Marathon and Ultramarathon Runner, Yogi, and Blogger

    CeCe Olisa, Plus-Size Workout Video Creator

    Work. It. Out.