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9 People Pose Nude To Show What Body Diversity Really Looks Like

"There are still so many people out there who believe they don't deserve to love themselves unless they look a certain way." (NSFW, obviously.)

Canadian magazine Now Toronto just published its third annual Love Your Body issue, and the results are stunning.

The magazine asks Torontonians to strip down and tell their body stories. This year's subjects include author and mom Catherine Hernandez, who reconnected with her body after being diagnosed with two chronic illnesses:

Prince Amponsah, who was severely burned in a fire four years ago, and who recently returned to acting — after some reluctance:

Heidi Hawkins, a voiceover actor who talked about breastfeeding and the pressures put on new mothers' bodies:

Monique Mojica, an actor, playwright, and artistic director at the Chocolate Woman Collective, who spoke about the connection between indigenous people's bodies and land:

Acacia Christensen of the League of Lady Wrestlers, who talked about making space in an exclusionary industry:

Ted Hallett, a writer and improv actor, who spoke on dating after kidney cancer:

Activist, yoga teacher, and porn performer Jasbina Justice, who talked about being sex-positive, post-trauma:

Paul Lancaric, who spoke about how becoming comfortable with his body affects his work as a voiceover artist:

And model and activist Jewelz Mazzei, who knows the importance of spreading body love:

You can check out Now Toronto's full 2017 Love Your Body issue here, and read about last year's subjects here.