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    This Swimsuit Model Says Curves Are Not A Trend

    Ashley Graham talks TED, the term "plus size," and her new line of lingerie.

    Ashley Graham is a crazy successful model, body image activist, proud Brooklynite, and all-around awesome person/possible actual goddess.

    This week, BuzzFeed Life caught up with Graham about her incredible recent TED Talk, her new lingerie collaboration with Addition Elle, dropping the "plus," and how retailers really ought to embrace size inclusivity already.

    Attractive, supportive lingerie is important to Graham, who doesn't tend to wear it purely as an undergarment. "I'm always showing a bra in whatever I'm wearing," she says.

    But, she tells BuzzFeed Life, "You should never have to sacrifice style for size. Often, larger sized lingerie lacks sex appeal."

    "This is for the girls who don't necessarily need underwire support," she says, pulling a Jean Harlow-style nightgown from its rack. "Although ideally you won't be wearing it for long, anyway."

    Designing lingerie and bringing sexy (confidence) back aren't Graham's only accomplishments this year. She calls the response to her April TED Talk "overwhelmingly positive."

    "Myself and other curvy women in the media are proving that curves are not a trend," she says. "[And with social media], customers can reach brands directly and can tell them exactly what they want."

    "Now it's time for the brands to listen more closely!"