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    14 Busty Fashion Bloggers Share Their Best Big Boob Style Tips

    From the strapless struggle to the pros and cons of belts, fashionistas give their best big boob advice.

    1. Don't be afraid to rock prints.

    2. Temper the volume by tucking in...

    3. ...or pump it up with a full skirt.

    4. A good bra is the key to comfort...

    5. ...and you don't have to write off strapless just yet.

    6. Fit trumps tag size every time...

    7. ...and a good tailor can work magic.

    8. So know your measurements...

    9. ...and buy your favorite pieces while you can.

    10. You have a few great allies in this world, including cardigans...

    11. pins...

    12. ...and belts.

    13. But you know what? Going belt-free is awesome too.

    14. Finally, if all else fails, know you can always count on a wrap dress.