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19 Things People With A Lot Of Hair Will Recognize

The bigger the hair, the closer to God.

1. Photos of you are always 90% mane.

2. In fact, you're pretty good at rocking that "girl from The Ring" thing...

3. ... though all it takes to blind you is one gust of wind.

4. When it comes to brushes, combs, and hair ties, you're something of a serial killer...

5. ... and basically all hats fit you like this.

6. (Hoods aren't much better, TBH.)

7. There's a constant power struggle between your topknot and your car ceiling...

8. ... and between you and the poor souls sitting behind you.

9. You've learned over the years that brushing doesn't actually make your hair more manageable.

10. And when it's muggy out? Yeah, don't even bother.

11. Your hair always gets a separate patdown from TSA agents...

12. ... who very well may find some leftover food in there...

13. ... and definitely a bobby pin — or 100.

14. And let us not forget this eternal struggle.

15. Washing and drying takes waaaay longer than it's supposed to...

16. ... and your conditioner budget is NYC rent-level ridiculous.

17. And while blow drying is the reason you have any upper body strength at all...

18. ... sometimes, you just gotta let your XXL shower cap do the work.

19. Honestly, though, all this fabulous is a pretty good problem to have.