Tom Holland Spoiled "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" For Chris Pratt, Because Of Course He Did

    Tom Holland, king of spoilers!

    So by now everyone's pretty aware that Tom Holland is a precious human and the king of accidentally spoiling his projects.

    I mean, the Infinity War press tour basically consisted of everyone making sure Tom (and Mark Ruffalo) didn't reveal crucial plot points.

    Watch Benedict Cumberbatch stop Tom Holland from leaking spoilers throughout the Avengers press tour 😂

    Twitter: @MuseBuff / Via Twitter: @MuseBuff

    In the end, Tom couldn't keep everything a secret because, let's be honest, it must be AMAZING getting to be in a Marvel movie.

    This is not a spoiler but a highlight of my LA life so far was last night when @TomHolland1996 accidentally revealed an #InfinityWar spoiler to an entire arclight theater who hadn't seen it yet

    Twitter: @meganamram / Via Twitter: @meganamram

    But now, Tom has started spoiling other people's movies and it's freakin' HILARIOUS.

    In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly Radio, Chris Pratt revealed that Tom actually spoiled Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom for him, which is honestly pretty impressive!

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    Sirius XM / EW / Via

    Chris first heard about the plot for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom when he and Tom were filming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and Spider-Man: Homecoming on the same lot.

    Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom director J.A. Bayona, who knows Tom from when they worked together on The Impossible, told Tom the entire plot before Chris had even received a script.

    Chris said that Tom quickly found him on set and said, "I just talked to J.A., mate. He told me the whole plot of the story. There's like a volcano..."

    Tom proceeded to tell Chris EVERYTHING that happens in Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. However, Chris thought he was lying...until the actual script eventually arrived.

    Chris said, "When I read the script, I was like, 'Yeah, he wasn't messing with me.'"

    Basically if you want a secret to get out as fast as possible, just whisper it to Tom Holland.