TBH I’m Still Frustrated By These 31 Things That Happened In “Lost”

    Honestly the fact that the island disappeared and was jumping through time was a lot to process.

    1. When the scariest thing for the survivors was a monster made entirely of black smoke, not the fact that they were trapped on an island.

    2. The entire episode where we learn Nikki and Paulo, two characters literally no one cared about, were diamond thieves and then were accidentally buried alive.

    3. When the island disappeared and then was literally just jumping through time.

    4. The fact that Sun, Ben, Locke, and Frank ended up in the present day but everyone else went back to the '70s after returning to the island.

    5. When we were all okay with Kate essentially kidnapping Aaron and just leaving Claire behind on the island.

    6. Everything about the time a giant polar bear showed up on the island.

    7. The fact that the numbers caused bad luck for anyone that came in contact with them, but no explanation was ever given.

    8. Even worse, in the end, we found out that the numbers corresponded to Jacob's candidates and that was it.

    9. When no one noticed the super elaborate lighthouse before it was relevant to the plot.

    10. Better yet, the giant ruins of the Egyptian statue that all of a sudden became super important.

    11. The survivors ran back and forth between the beach and the cave and literally never seemed out of breath. Like, how?!

    12. Christian Shephard's coffin was completely empty, but we never found out what happened to his body

    13. The fact that people died when they traveled to the past, but it never created a paradox in the future.

    14. When the giant temple appeared, but literally no one had come across it before Season 6.

    15. The fact that Walt's dog Vincent just appeared and disappeared and no one seemed to care. Like c'mon, you had a dog to play with!

    16. Everything having to do with Walt being some sort of "special being," whatever the heck that means.

    17. You're telling me that no one managed to trip over the hatch and find Desmond before Locke did?

    18. When everyone led alternate lives in the sideways reality and then seemingly forgot all about them when they got their memories back.

    19. All anyone had to do was turn a giant frozen wheel to escape the island and only Ben and Locke took advantage of it.

    20. Every time any storyline pointed back to Eloise Hawking, a character that somehow knew everything about returning to the island.

    21. When they killed John Locke and then brought him back to life, but it wasn't actually him the second time.

    22. When there were mystery people shooting at the survivors on the outrigger, but we never found out who they were.

    23. The creepy cabin in the woods that, once again, no one noticed until it was convenient for the plot.

    24. When we learned Libby was in the same mental institution as Hurley, but we never learned why because they killed her like three episodes later.

    25. The Others had really nice houses and amenities, and yet we never found out how they made any money.

    26. The island was said to have healing properties, but Mikhail's eye apparently never recovered.

    27. When they thought we really needed an entire flashback storyline dedicated to Jack’s tattoos.

    28. Pregnant women on the island could never bring their babies to term, but the cause was never revealed.

    29. The irony that Boone survived a plane crash, but then was crushed underneath a different plane.

    30. The fact that Ben stopped Locke from killing himself, but then choked him to death like five minutes later.

    31. And finally, when Jack wanted to go back to the island he'd literally just escaped from.