12 "Friends" Moments That'll Make You Say "LOL, Phoebe" And 9 That'll Make You Say "Oh, Phoebe"

    "I want world peace...Oh, and bigger boobs."

    1. LOL, Phoebe:

    2. Oh no, Phoebe, why?

    3. LMAO:

    4. OMG, no, Phoebe:

    5. Hahaha, Phoebe:

    6. Iconic, Phoebe:

    7. Oh, Phoebe:

    8. HAHAHA:

    9. *sighs*:

    10. Phoebe, no, you can't just...:

    11. Hahaha, Phoebe, this is iconic:

    12. Literally LOL:

    13. Oh boy:

    14. *cries from laughing so hard*:

    15. *rolls eyes* Phoebe...:

    16. OMG yes, Phoebe:

    17. ROFL:

    18. *shakes head*:

    19. *can't stop laughing*:

    20. Phoebe, that's not how it works:

    21. Yes, Phoebe, YES: