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    Here Is How To Create Your Own Teacup Bird Feeder

    Chirp, chirp, chirp.

    What you need:

    * Thrift store teacup and saucer

    * E6000 Glue

    * Twine

    * Scissors


    Apply E6000 Glue to the teacup saucer, slightly off center so that it is in between the saucer's outermost edge and the center.

    Hold the teacup in place on top of the glue. Make sure the teacup is on its side with the handle facing upward. Press firmly into place. Let the glue dry overnight. If necessary, tape down or prop up the teacup in place so that it does not tip over while the glue is drying.

    Once the glue is dry, cut a piece of twine and thread it through the teacup handle. Tie both ends together.

    Securely hang your bird feeder on a tree branch or hook outdoors. Add birdseed and…voila! You're done. Let the birds enjoy their tea time!

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