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Here's Why People Think Visual Effects In Movies Suck

Your mind is about to be blown.

Visual effects artist Freddie Wong and RocketJump Film School make the argument that people notice BAD visual effects only because they stand out. But, in actuality, there is so much beautiful CGI that is so great it gets unnoticed.

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For instance, take a look at this scene from Forrest Gump and look how they added in all those people.

Wong also argues that great visual effects steer story and character... look how artists used computers to add snow to this scene:

Wong also says that artists should stick to the computer's strengths. Like, for instance, "right now computers are great at rendering things," Wong said. Things, like tables, chairs, cars, etc.

For example, look at how the computer just adds in cars and planes so flawlessly and we don't think anything of it.

Because this probably will push your mind into overdrive... The makers of The Avengers totally re-created the entire New York City skyline for Jeremy Renner to run around like he was on a playground, but it was all shot in front of green screens.

And in Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. was barely wearing his suit; it was added later with computers!

Another example of great CG is in Gravity, when Sandra Bullock was obviously not really in space, but filmmakers spent years making it feel so real to the viewer.

He closes his argument by saying, "Visual effects have always been a part of this art form. And CG is simply a tool on the filmmaker's tool belt to tell a story, but when the end result is bad — maybe it's not the tool's fault..."

An earlier version of this post incorrectly identified Robert Downey Jr. as Jeremy Renner.