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12 Life Lessons We Learned From Watching Nickelodeon

We can't remember the state capitals, but we remember these. Tune in to the Nickelodeon HALO Awards — the most inspirational concert event of the season — Nov. 30 at 7pm EST!

1. Right from the start, life can be pretty tough.

2. But you'll always have friends to help you through.

3. You can't go wrong doing the right thing (even if it does look a bit dorky)...

4. ...and a positive attitude works wonders.

5. Life is about taking risks.

6. After all:

7. If you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life...

8. ...but it still takes a lot of Guts to get to the top.

9. Sometimes you have to take the physical challenge...

10. ...and you can't be afraid to get dirty.

11. You have it within yourself to make every day the BEST DAY EVER.

12. In life — as in the Hidden Temple — the choices are yours and yours alone.

Check out some kids who have taken these life lessons to heart and are changing the world at the Nickelodeon HALO Awards Sunday, Nov. 30 at 7pm EST, only on Nickelodeon.

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