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11 Epic Nickelodeon Slimes You'll Never Forget

As long as Nickelodeon's been around, so has that infamous green goop. Don't miss what's sure to be PLENTY of epic slimes at this year’s Kids’ Choice Awards, Saturday, March 28 at 8 p.m./7c on Nickelodeon.

First, an introduction to ~slime~.

Especially recent ones like:

1. When Neil Patrick Harris and Sandra Bullock had slime for dinner at the 2013 Kids' Choice Awards.

2. Taylor Lautner just couldn't catch a break in 2012.

3. In 2013, Pitbull tried to take a stance against the slime, but he must've forgotten: Slime. Never. Loses.

4. Not even legendary supermodel Heidi Klum is safe, as evidenced by this 2011 sliming.

5. That same year, Jim Carrey doused fans in slime...and then got slimed himself by host Jack Black.

6. Justin Bieber had no idea what was about to hit him in 2012.

7. And in 2010, Katy Perry got slime-blasted in what many consider to be The Most Epic of Epic Slimes.

Last year's Kids' Choice Awards were chock-full of epic slimes.


9. Daredevils Jukka Hilden and Dave England battled it out in a slime rodeo...

10. ...hosted by snowboarding superstar Shaun White, who, like, had to know what was coming.

11. Then David Beckham, upon winning Nickelodeon's first-ever Legend Award, got epically slimed in GOLD.

With his sons Romeo and Cruz in tow!

Who will get epically slimed this year?! Tune into the Kids’ Choice Awards on Saturday, March 28 at 8 p.m./7c to see Nick Jonas host and find out!

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