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15 Things You Can Do To Prevent Awkward, Everyday Disasters

OK, some solutions are more realistic than others — like achieving 50% clean energy by 2030. Learn how you can help make it happen at #50by30

1. First of all, NEVER wave back at strangers — no matter how much it seems like they’re looking at you.

2. Ask yourself, “Did they really make smartphone holders for ‘97 sedans?”

3. Also, dance like someone's watching. At all times.

4. Honestly, just watch your back.

5. Make sure your transportation plans aren't all wet...

6. ...and don't allow anybody to burst your bubble.

7. Double-check that your four-legged pillow isn't actually your 6-year-old husky.

8. Don't play acoustic guitar, like, ever.

9. And if you are in a band, insist on hiring a guitar tech...

10. ...or a professional page turner.

11. Be honest with yourself about what constitutes a sandwich...

12. ...or a knife, for that matter.

13. Oh, and never go outside.

14. No, seriously. Just stay home.

15. Finally, don't cheat on your diet — even with fat-free, no-sugar-added, low-calorie ice cream.

Some problems require forward-thinking solutions. See how you can help us achieve 50% clean energy by 2030 by visiting #50by30

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Paid for by NextGen Climate Action Committee;; not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

Thumbnail by DigitalVision via Thinkstock