Paid Post

11 Inspirational Stories That'll Make You Wanna Pay It Forward

Let's hope that altruism is contagious.

1. A hairstylist who gives free haircuts to the homeless.

Mark Bustos is a professional hairstylist at Three Square Studio, but he spends a lot of his time wandering around downtown Manhattan giving free haircuts to the homeless. He gives up to 10 haircuts a day!

2. An ophthalmologist who is restoring the hope of the visually impaired in Nepal.

3. A disabled veteran who helps homeless female veterans find homes.

4. A pilot who rescues puppies from high-kill shelters.

5. Or a man who drives for days to save stray pups.

6. An elderly Australian man who saved many from taking their own lives.

7. Vietnam vet saves his best friend's life.

8. Prisoners who train dogs awaiting adoption.

9. An elderly woman who hugs departing or returning soldiers.

10. A man who buys special bikes for disabled children.

Newman’s Own gives all its profits to charity, helping people in need around the world.

*Photos 2–10 are not photos of the people or dogs described.