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The Subtext Of That Photo You Shared At The Bar

Going out to a bar with friends is an occasion for good times. But when you attempt to document your activities with Instagram, we know what you're really saying. And if you'd like to call "No Bollocks" on your own photos, pay a visit to the Newcastle Subtexter.

The balcony shot.

The groupshot you arranged.

The completely indiscernible shot of the wall with the border for some reason and the caption "Bad feeling"

The picture of a somewhat unconventional choice of beverage.

Drinks lined up.

Pictures of fancy cocktails with garnishes and junk.

Beer glass with a quote on it.

The picture of someone else in a picture.

The "doing Sudoku in the bar".

The champagne flute.

The scary low light pool table shot.

The indecipherable lights and not much else shot.

The whole hand with the drink.

The secret shot of the bartender from a side angle.

The subtle picture of the coaster with the name of the bar on it.