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11 Things That TOTALLY Weren't Your Fault, Like, At All, But...

It's really not a big deal. Before you rush into an argument with your roommate, cool down and #GoSlowMo with New Belgium Brewing's Slow Ride Session IPA.

1. "Like, I'm not saying you did this on purpose AT ALL, but it looks like you had something to say to me about the dishes. But, like, I know you would've just talked to my face, so... like, don't worry about it."

2. "So, I know that you wanted to get a cat, even though I didn't, but have you noticed how much she's peed on my stuff? I'm not saying you're giving her too much water; I'm saying that you should think about not giving her not a little water."

3. "I appreciate that you wanted me to have better access to the toilet paper, but maybe next time, just put it on the roll? You probably just forgot how the world works. It's OK. Love youuuu."

4. "Oh cool. That dirt pile is really... um... organic. I love how much of a free spirit you are, but, like, maybe think about not doing that?"

5. "Heyyy. Not saying it's a HUGE problem, but maybe don't sculpt ice dogs on my bed? Not saying you did it. But I'm pretty sure you did. No big deal, just don't anymore."

6. "To the roommate who's throwing cereal on my car — again, not saying it was you... even though you're my only roommate — please try to not do that?"

7. "Remember when you said you'd clean up your man-child table? I'm just going through a list of things I remember, and that's one of them."

8. "Not trying to stir the pot, but I think the better strategy is to take your food out of the oven BEFORE it turns into dust and sets the house on fire? Just my take."

9. "You wouldn't happen to know why there's a stray cat and a bunch of tampons in our kitchen, would you? I mean, you did leave the cabinet open, and you never got your cat spayed. That's probably why she pees on all my stuff."

10. "If you want, I could show you how to use the microwave. I'm, like, a really good teacher."

11. "Umm, I think you left your note to someone else that's not me on the fridge? Do you want me to mail it to the correct person for you?"

Before you rush into an argument with your roommate, cool down and #GoSlowMo with New Belgium Brewing's Slow Ride Session IPA.

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