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15 Bits Of Trash That Are Actually Treasure

From rubbish to riches. Transform regular junkyard items into timeless treasures with New Belgium's Fat Tire Ale, which pairs well with recycling.

1. These old strawberry containers combine to make an exquisite chandelier:

2. A microcassette deck mechanism can be transformed into a frame-worthy piece of art.

3. Wondering what to do with old keyboard keys? Make jewelry.

4. Your parents' old records cramping your style? Melt them into bowls, of course!

5. Drill holes in old barrels to hold new bottles.

6. This headboard is made from old broomsticks:

7. And this old suitcase is now a checker and chess game:

8. Make a bird bath with your brass instrument.

9. Or convert an old piano into an impressive bar.

10. Make yourself a backpack with all those old pull tabs.

11. Or turn them into an exquisite neck decoration.

12. Speaking of neck decorations... hello, busted timepiece.

13. Upgrade your garden with an insect statue made of old car parts.

14. Or turn old bike tires into comfortable outdoor chairs.

15. And the pièce de résistance of your junkyard treasure trove? This rubbish monster:

New Belgium's Fat Tire Ale pairs well with recycling, upcycling, and also junkyard cycling.

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For a chance to win the Fat Tire Experience at Tour de Fat 2014 in San Diego, visit