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20 Life Lessons You Learn During Your First Year Of Uni

So, lots of learning, studying, and punctuality, obviously.

1. University! Time to go and mature into an adult.

2. Or not, as the case may be.

3. Because you'll quickly realise that a few glasses of wine is the best social lubricant.

4. Especially when you first get to the SU and realise that you don't know anyone who has arrived yet.

5. The nights start out harmless enough...

6. ...but it doesn't take too long until it devolves to this.

7. (Ahem.)

8. See, falling in love is the easy bit. Remembering their name on the other hand...

9. Just be warned, word travels kinda fast.

10. People forget that you're still getting the hang of kissing at 18.

11. Your sexting game probably needs some work too.

12. In fact, the chat in general is largely utter nonsense.

13. Not least when you're stumbling home.

14. Of course, there's always that competition to see what the craziest thing you can bring back from a night out is.

15. Just be prepared for the consequences the morning after.

16. Because you'll make mistakes. Boy, you'll make some mistakes.

17. Like spending £120 on that gym membership.

18. Or getting off with one of your flatmates.

19. Ultimately, you just have to own it. Whatever you're doing, own it all.

20. And get right back on that horse.

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