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Here’s Why Día De Reyes Is Actually The Best

Starting the year with tradición y magia.

There's certainly something ~magical~ about receiving more presents after the year starts.

But equally wondrous is the story behind it: Los Reyes Magos were following the star to Bethlehem to bring presents to Baby Jesus.

These gifts were anything but basic. They were gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

At night on January 5, the three figurines of the Wise Men are placed on the nacimiento <3.

That night, it's always *imperative* to leave snacks for los reyes — and perhaps even some water and hay for their animals.

It's always awesome to see Los Reyes Magos IRL, and if you're really lucky, you do.

Did we mention we get to open a bunch of regalos for the second time in less than a month?!?!

If that wasn't exciting enough, on the morning of January 6 we also all get to stuff our faces with rosca, and it's just grandiose.

And if you get the, time to throw a parteeyyy.

Let's not forget about hot chocolate, our rosca's main bae since the beginning of time*.

AND we get to rest on Día de Reyes, OF COURSE.

In a nutshell, Día de Reyes is bomb: We celebrate our traditions, spend time with the fam, eat delicious food, and then we can nap all day if we want.

Are your ready for Día de Reyes? Celebrate tradition with a delicious cup of ABUELITA™!