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11 Things That Are Totally Bigger In Canada

Who knew that dinosaurs were bigger here?

1. Canada is actually larger than the United States.

2. Canada is home to the world's longest covered bridge.

3. Canada has the tallest freestanding concrete structure.

4. Canada is the largest supplier of wild blueberries.

5. Canada is home to the world's largest ice cream cake.

6. The longest fruit snack was made in Canada.

7. There is a humongous T. rex waiting to eat... greet you in Alberta.

8. Canada, home of Nickelback and the world's largest nickel.

9. Sorry New York, the Big Apple is in Canada.

10. Hard to bury the hatchet when it weighs over 55 tons.

11. Canada = Hockey. British Columbia = Largest hockey stick and puck.

In Canada we do bigger better, including our cans. Get more of the refreshing NESTEA you love in a very, very large, very large King Can.