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The 24 Dos And Don'ts Of Underwater Selfies

Just when we thought the selfie was nearing retirement, underwater selfies came along to refresh the concept, and boy are they ... interesting. Read our Do's and Don'ts to keep your selfies cool like refreshing NESTEA®.

1. Do flash the peace sign.

2. Like this.

3. And like this girl.

4. Don't blow bubbles.

5. Bubbles = nope.

6. Just don't do it.

7. Do stick your tongue out.

8. Like that.

9. Don't wear sunglasses.

10. Unnecessary.

11. Do pose with a friend.

12. Underwater buddies!

13. Just hangin' out!

14. BFFS forever.

15. Don't wear goggles.

16. He's like, "Huh?"

17. Exhibit A

18. Not a good look.

19. Do look candid.

20. He's so indifferent to this selfie.

21. Don't puff out your cheeks.

22. Easy, now.

23. Do look happy.

24. Yay!!