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10 Everyday Things You Didn’t Know Were Fire Hazards

It's the silly things we overlook that can sometimes be the most dangerous. Nest Protect helps you better understand dangerous situations and secure a happy home.

1. Watching a movie while there's food cooking in the kitchen.

2. Leaving a candle unattended.

3. Microwaving certain plastics.

4. Overloading a power strip.

5. Not cleaning out your washer and dryer regularly.

6. Overlooking manufacturer’s instructions for electrical appliances.

7. Using a fireplace incorrectly.

8. Handling electric appliances with wet hands.

9. Letting grease accumulate around the stove.

10. Using lightbulbs that don’t match the lamp’s recommended wattage.

Illustrations by Lyla Ribot for BuzzFeed

It’s time to expect more from your smoke alarm. Let Nest Protect be your guide.

Disclaimer: In case of an actual emergency, please contact a medical professional, legal professional, or your mother. Literally anyone and anything besides this list.