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This Couple Broke Up For A Week And Came Back Stronger

"I'm eating popcorn for dinner!"

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BuzzFeed Yellow / Via youtu.be

Hi, I'm Ned, and I'm married. I talk about my wife a lot because she's such an important part of my life. But what happens when we're forced to spend a week apart?

You change when you're in a relationship. There are certain vices you give up, certain compromises you make. Could "breaking up" help us understand that? We asked my chronically single friend Zach for advice.

Time to begin the experiment!

I left to go back home and Ariel spent another week in Colorado with her family.

The first few days were decadent. We let ourselves get a little irresponsible. POPCORN FOR DINNER!




However, as the week went on, we started to get lonely.

We drank too much.

We slept poorly.

Without having our partner around, we both turned into the worst versions of ourselves

One day, I got locked out of my car and had to get it towed. It was horrible. I was exhausted, waiting for the tow truck at 1 a.m. All I wanted to do tell Ariel about it. Luckily, I had the support of my friends, The Try Guys.

That's one thing that I realized: Ariel was my support system and I had lost that. Whether it's having friends or family or pets or co-workers, everyone needs support. No one can do it alone.

At last, the week was over and it was time to pick up Ariel from the airport.

After a week of being broken up, we emerged with an appreciation of the other aspects of our life. Our friends, families, hobbies — even vices — they're vital parts of who we are.

And we had an even greater appreciation of each other.