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12 Fashion Looks Inspired By "The Voice" That Will Make You Turn In Your Chair

Mary Sarah and Bryan Bautista make hosting the #KohlsGreenRoom look gooood. Get their looks from our partners at Kohl's!

When it’s opening night and you know you look amazing:


When you’re so in sync even your lipstick matches bae’s pants:

Nailed it.

When you’ve got your dancing shoes on and he’s looking fiiine:


When you’re dressed to the nines and feel like a ten:

You're not wrong.

When you’re feeling fly as hell and the mirror just confirms it:

The mirror doesn't lie.

When you school everyone with all your class:


Head to Kohl's and get these looks by your favorite The Voice artists and #KohlsGreenRoom hosts!

Images courtesy of NBC Universal.