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    The One Way Fast Food Can Ruin A Marriage

    The Marriage Monologues: The relationship strains of deliciousness

    Life can be so funny at times. You try to do right. You try to cook when he says he's hungry. You try to comfort him when he needs rest, but I guess for some men it's just not enough.

    He says, "Wife, I'm going to the gym. I'll be back."

    And being the Betty Homemaker I am, I think, "Perfect, that gives me time to scrub the floors, dust the baseboards, and cook him his favorite." Did you all know that he likes burgers? You know who else knows he likes burgers?! The HARLOT who prepared his burger at Wendy's.

    He thinks I don't know. He thinks I can't smell it on him, but I can! I probably would not have noticed. I might have chalked it up to 'gym funk' if I had not listened to my intuition. And do you know what Intuition told me? She said, NattyLinn, look out the window," and usually I don't listen to her because she can be so shady, but today I did... and do you know what I saw? I saw MY husband taking a sip from a cup he could only acquire from fast food inventory. The nerve. I'm in here hot and barefoot over the George Foreman and this is what I get?

    I wonder if he'll lie to me. I wonder if he'll play hungry. I wonder if he will actually eat what I cooked without mentioning his side step to the Wendy's drive thru.

    …he just walked in…

    "Food is almost ready." He doesn't mention Wendy. "Do you want me to make you a plate?"

    And you know what he says to me?

    "Sure, babe."

    Chris Brown had it right. "These hoes ain't loyal."