So, Maisie Williams Just Revealed Some Surprising Info About The Night King's "Game Of Thrones" Ending And I'm Even More Baffled

    "I think it would’ve been too obvious."

    🚨 Warning: Major spoilers for the final season of "Game of Thrones" ahead. 🚨

    So, Season 8 of Game of Thrones was...uh, unexpected, right?

    Perhaps one of the most surprising moments came when the long-feared Night King did NOT meet his demise through this man:

    Jon Snow chilling by a lake

    Nay, his death came at the hands of one yeeting Arya Stark:

    And while I can't speak for anyone else, I was certainly a bit like:

    Well, in a new interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Maisie Williams revealed that I wasn't the only one who thought Jon Snow would end up saving the day.

    "[Kit Harington] expected it to go that way, too," Maisie began. "He even said, 'It was going to go that way. Someone told me in Season 3 that I was going to kill the Night King.' And then, he read the script, and it was Arya the whole time."

    Now, if I may do some analysis, Season 3 of Game of Thrones came out in 2013. However, showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss claimed they knew Arya would be the one to kill the Night King three years before the episode aired. Did they just change their minds after three years and not tell Kit?

    Either way, Maisie was happy with the final result: "I think it would’ve been too obvious. I’m glad that it was Arya, honestly. I think I had the best storyline of the final season."

    And, for those who were a little less satisfied — at least there might be a different ending in the books someday!

    You can read the full interview with Maisie here.