19 Things You Know If You Love Dogs But Definitely Can't Have One Yet

    All of your life plans are centred around your future dogs.

    1. You really, desperately want a dog.

    2. In fact, you have a dog-shaped hole in your life.

    3. But you know that in your current situation you could not give a dog the home it deserves.

    4. This hurts you more than the possibility of not being able to ever own a house.

    5. Or rather, the idea of never owning a house hurts you mostly because it would make it harder to ever be able to own a dog.

    6. So instead, you resign yourself to obsessively following every single dog Instagram account.

    7. You're definitely a member of Cool Dog Group on Facebook.

    8. And you sometimes browse pet-adoption websites just to torture yourself.

    9. You're so obsessed with dogs that you know everything about dog breeds.

    10. And you do a little gasp every time you see a cool dog.

    11. Your judgment on Tinder is heavily influenced if there is a dog present in the picture.

    12. In fact, you've probably considered feigning entire relationships just so you can hang out with a cool dog regularly.

    13. Someone's attitude towards dogs is a genuine dealbreaker when it comes starting a relationship.

    14. And some friendships are also dog-dependent.

    15. All parties are infinitely better for you if there is a dog present.

    16. You're not opposed to having children, but you'd rather have dogs.

    when ur mom likes ur dog more than u so ya gotta sit in the back :-/

    You as a parent.

    17. If you won the lottery, you would probably just adopt 500 dogs.

    18. Even though your dogless life hurts you, it's also a real motivator for you.

    19. Basically all your life goals are dog-related.