17 Chinchillas So Round And Cute That You'll Be Truly Astounded

    They are the roundest boys.

    1. This angel getting a little massage:

    2. This round boy:

    3. This little munchkin:

    4. This big ol' cutie:

    5. This blushing baby:

    6. This highly relaxing petting session:

    7. This lounging softie:

    8. This plump lil baby:

    9. This soft sleepy boy:

    10. This calm baby:

    11. This round boy, who has clearly conquered a great mountain:

    12. This cutie having a snack:

    13. This VERY round boy:

    14. This lil flufferino getting a treat:

    15. This chubby-cheeked cutie:

    16. This needy baby who is a little too big to climb up:

    17. And finally, this highly malleable cutie: