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    7 Quick Organizing Tricks You'll Actually Want To Try

    Small options to make your life a little more organized.

    1. Finally clean up those cords behind your TV.

    2. Spend a couple hours cooking on Sunday afternoon so you can have fresh homemade dinners all week long.

    3. Enlist a fishing tackle box to sort all of your hairstyling paraphernalia.

    4. Go through your pantry and throw away anything that's expired.

    5. Pick a spot to corral all of your reusable grocery bags so you'll actually use them.

    6. Get rid of the default apps on your iPhone that are cluttering up your home screen.

    7. Actually reunite pairs of lost socks by hanging up a row of clothespins in your laundry room.

    You can get these two cute printables here, but you don't even have to do something as fancy as glue clothespins to a frame. You could just hang up a pretty length of yarn, and attach the clothespins to that.

    Want more organizing ideas? See last week's tricks (plus more!) here.