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    7 Insanely Easy Organizing Tricks You'll Actually Want To Try

    One small change = instantly more organized.

    1. Make every earring pair easy to spot by sorting them into an ice cube tray.

    2. Line your builder-grade wire shelves with foam board so everything on the shelves stays where you put it.

    Those little gaps between the wires can make small things you store tip over so easily. Cutting a few pieces of foam board to fit instantly fixes that problem (whether or not you choose to cover them with colorful contact paper). Granted, this might take an afternoon. But then you'll have stable shelves ~forever~. Learn how to do it here.

    3. Pack at least three lunches for the week so you can save money and eat healthier.

    4. Use a small tension rod to make a second shelf for your spice cabinet.

    5. Try dividing up your ~productivity time~ with a task management app.

    Apps like Sloth can help you stay on top of everything you need to get done — and can help prevent your work time from eating into your leisure time.

    6. Turn a basket and clean aluminum cans into a sorted organizer for your kitchen or bathroom.

    7. Hang up that power strip that's under your desk.

    Want more organizing ideas? See last week's tricks (plus more!) here.