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    7 Quick Organizing Tricks You'll Actually Want To Try

    Small things to make your life feel a little more put-together.

    1. Reuse those plastic name tag holders as changeable organizing labels for your pantry.

    2. Put together a "homework bucket" with everything your kiddo needs to finish a night of math worksheets and book reports.

    3. If you have lots of hair tools, hang them from a pretty set of hooks in your bathroom.

    4. Sort out your cutlery drawer using cheap baskets from the dollar store.

    5. Prep these yogurt parfait breakfast popsicles so you have an easy treat for breakfast every day of the week.

    6. Go through one bookshelf and consider (maybe!) donating or selling books you don't need anymore.

    7. Keep a laundry basket in the trunk of your car so you can carry all of your groceries into the house at once.

    Want more organizing ideas? See last week's tricks (plus more!) here.