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    7 Quick Ways To Actually Declutter Your Life

    A little bit neater is still neater!

    1. Cut your hand soap cost and use in half (and still get clean hands) by looping a rubber band around your soap pump.

    2. Put velcro stickers in your drawers and on the bottom of your drawer organizers to keep the baskets from sliding around.

    3. If you have a collection of embroidery floss, organize it by color around clothespins.

    4. Use three small pieces of wood to make your spices easy to see in your cabinet.

    5. Turn an empty plastic bottle and old CD or DVD into a wall-mounted plastic bag dispenser.

    6. Stick magnet bars on the back of your metal medicine cabinet to hold small bathroom necessities.

    You don't have to cover them in fabric, but they do look pretty that way. Here's the full tutorial.

    7. Turn three empty cereal boxes into a pretty letter sorter.

    Want more organizing ideas? See last week's tricks (plus more!) here.