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    5 Insanely Clever DIYs That You'll Actually Want To Try

    And that are actually easy.

    1. Cut out type from a magazine to make free, easy nail art.

    2. Use basic embroidery stitches to dress up a simple pair of white flats.

    3. Make your own custom cake stands using wooden candle sticks and round plaques.

    4. Add a bit of nailhead trim to your Ikea Lack table ($9.99) so it looks like it came from the Horchow catalog.

    5. Mod Podge cheap fabric to the back of clear glass plates to get a Pottery Barn look for less.

    Or whatever kind of patterned plates you like (you can do polka dot and stripe fabric for Kate Spade, for example) To make sure you get a neat edge on the fabric, use a sharp craft knife to cut off the excess fabric after it dries. To make sure they last as long as possible, hand wash them and try to avoid getting soap and water on the fabric backing (this technique works well for charger plates). Here's the full tutorial.