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    7 Small Ways To Actually Get Your Home In Order

    Simple and organized.

    1. Stop the incessant sunglasses search by giving everyone's pair a place to live.

    2. Take Legos on road trips or just to dinner with this simple-to-make lunchbox kit.

    3. Cut a wooden crate in half then mount those halves on the wall for easy magazine, kids-book, or other wall storage.

    4. Choose one of these seven freeze-able marinades, and make two batches of chicken: one to bake and eat this week, and one to freeze to bake on at a busier time.

    5. Never hunt for the right lid to fit your plastic food container again after installing a filing basket on the cabinet door.

    6. Set aside one long weekend afternoon to sort out your 2016 photos — and get them printed in a photo book.

    7. Wash out an empty peanut butter jar to keep your valuables dry anytime you hang out by the pool this summer.

    Want more organizing ideas? See previous week's tricks (plus more!) here.