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    7 Easy Organizing Tricks You'll Actually Want To Try

    Get organized, stay organized, on the cheap.

    1. Prep a nutritious “fast food” shelf in your fridge for the nights you won’t have time to cook a full meal.

    2. Remember your favorite recipes by organizing them in a meal-planning bank.

    3. Stack individual eyeshadows in a cardboard toilet-paper roll to keep them safe while you travel.

    4. Make re-useable beeswax food wraps for all of your summer sandwiches and picnics.

    5. Store your unsightly TV remotes where you'll always be able to find them later — under the edge of your coffee or side table, using self-adhesive Velcro.

    6. Pin tension rods between the studs in your garage to instantly create modular storage.

    7. Store bibs on a removable adhesive hook inside the cabinet where you keep the rest of the baby-feeding supplies.

    Want more organizing ideas? See previous week's tricks (plus more!) here.