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    7 Quick Organizing Tricks You'll Actually Want To Try

    Even if you just pick one, you'll be more organized than you were before!

    1. Make a designated "lunch" bin for your fridge — then fill it with easy, make-ahead options that you can grab in the mornings.

    Mix and match lunches so they don't get boring through the week! And if your kids pack their own lunches, they have options to choose from. Get 18 ideas for make-ahead meals here. From here.

    2. Make your bed every morning for the week — with hospital corners, if you dare.

    3. Got kids who love puzzles, but hate bulky boxes? Store the pieces in pencil bags from the dollar store.

    4. Fill a dish wand with vinegar and dish soap, then keep it in your shower so you can use it every day.

    5. Make more space in a tiny pantry by hanging a shoe organizer over the back of the door.

    6. Grab a basket to store spring flip-flops by the back door, before they start to pile up.

    7. Even if everything else in your living room is disorganized, clean off the coffee table and style it with one or two things that really bring you joy.

    Want more organizing ideas? See last week's tricks (plus more!) here.