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    7 Ridiculously Easy Tricks That Will Make You So Much More Organized

    Small steps, big progress.

    1. Instead of hanging ties on a traditional tie organizer, use a more spacious one made for scarves.

    2. Attach cutlery trays to the inside of your closet, then screw in small hooks to make your necklace storage easy to navigate.

    3. Wrap the keys you use most often in embroidery floss so you can easily tell which one you need.

    4. Hang up a sweater organizer in your kid's closet, then label each shelf to help them stay organized all by themselves.

    You can organize their clothes by day of week, or their accessories for each of their after-school activities, or use the space to organize other toys or board games. Get a similar organizer (sans pretty labels) for $12.42 here, and read the full how-to here.

    5. Wrap washi tape around craft wire to make your own cute washi tape dispenser.

    6. Pack an emergency clutch for each of your kids with phone numbers, a little extra cash, and other necessities.

    7. Put together a few easy meals to take to lunch plus a bunch of easy-to-grab fruit for snacks, so you can always just eat when you're hungry.